As finishing usually involves very large volumes of exhaust air,
it is inevitable that finishing dust also gets carried along with the moving air. To ensure
a clean environment and long life for equipment and components, various filters are used
at both exhaust and intake points.
One such type of filter is the "accordion" filter, where air passing through the filter must
change its direction twice, and thanks to centrifugal force, the dust sticks to the filter's
walls. Additionally, the "accordion" filter helps ensure even exhaust throughout the filter's
Advantages of the filter:
Easy to install
Low air resistance
High cleaning capability
The ECO product series is known as the most cost-effective filter class.
The cleaning level and load capacity are lower than other Andreae filters.
Technical specifications:
Filter load capacity: 18 kg/m2
Filter efficiency: 98.1%
Optimal usage conditions:
Recommended air movement speed: 0.25 - 1 m/sec
Filter back pressure at different air speeds:
0.25 m/sec: 8 Pa
0.5 m/sec: 20 Pa
0.75 m/sec: 30 Pa
1 m/sec: 40 Pa